13B One Piece Engine Dowel Pins

One Piece Dowel Pins (drilled upper/ solid lower)
- Helps prevent cracking the plates from hp loads or “ping” (esp. important in the Series 5 & earlier turbo engines)
- Spreads the load across the length of the engine.
- Helps to insure a true engine centerline which reduces engine failure and increasing bearing life
- Using an external oil line provides a more even oil pressure to the main bearings (if running both solid dowels)
- Low cost, easy installation
- Available for: all years of 13B (13B, 13BT, 13B-RE, 13B-REW, 13B-MSP)
One piece dowel pins provide an easy, cost effective aid to hp and “ping” loads causing plate cracking or engine damage from loss of clearance from engine flex. Our super strong proprietary material has been meticulously machined to provide what we feel are the most accurate and consistently machined solid dowel pins on the market. They are “lightly” tapped on one end for use with a Dowel Pin Puller.
High horsepower and the shock loads from “ping” put a tremendous load against the rotor housings. The load deflects the rotor housings outwards, pushing the dowel pin with them. The dowel pins are retained by their fit into the cast iron plates. If the loads are too high, the upper dowel pin can cause the plate(s) to crack. Additionally, since the upper dowel pins are also used as an oil galley, a massive oil leak is also possible. The earlier 86-88 13B is especially prone to this type of damage.
Installing a drilled upper and solid lower dowel pin is the most common combo and what we use on most performance engine builds.
Replacing the upper dowel pins with a solid one piece pin requires the installation of an external oil feed line to the front main oil galley to replace the OEM galley in the OEM dowel pins.
Pair these one piece dowels with a set of Turblown engine stud kit for improved rigidity to your high performance 13B rotary engine.